about / pt. 2 / socmed / byf / fandoms / ships / writing / misc

about‣Call me Crim
‣She/they pronouns
‣Bi as hell
‣INFJ • ♑ ☀️ + 🌙 / ♊️ ⬆️ • usually some kind of neutral alignment
‣Amateur adult, expert fandom enthusiast since early 2000s, fanfic writer since 2006

‣Australian shepherds
‣Good dank and food
‣Camping and hiking
‣Spring/early summer
‣"Do no harm, but take no shit"
‣Olives, sauerkraut and ranch dressing
‣Being shitty to service workers
‣Not using turn signals
‣Conservative politics, fascism, exploitative capitalism and any censorship in general
‣Failure I can't learn from

social mediaBegrudgingly most active on twt, but I occasionally pop up on other socmed platforms. All fic from 2014-present @ AO3, although you can find some non-AO3 exclusives on my tumblr/twt if you trawl long enough

byf‣I am pro-fiction, but I don't have a particular vendetta against anyone who isn't. I won't forbid anyone who is from interacting with my works or myself, and if you play nice, I'll play nice back. If you're fervently against it, though, you're probably not going to have a good time following me‣My acct is frequently nsfw; under-18 and spam accts are blocked upon knowledge‣Standard "fuck off if racist, homophobic, transphobic, alt-right, incel, shit person, supports AI/crypto/NFTs etc" disclaimer

fandomsNot a comprehensive list, just the heavy hitters (bold = current or longtime faves)MHA
SMB franchise
‣Ace Attorney
‣Yume Nikki
‣It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia

♡♡♡♡♡‣Miritama (MHA)
‣Hitsuhina (Bleach)
‣Enjirei (MHA)
‣Rin/Hatsuharu (Furuba)
‣Marie/Peacock (Skullgirls)
‣Selene/Lillie (PKMN)

zinesExclusively a writing contributor, more to follow in the future :>2022‣Winds of Hoenn (PKMN, complete!)
‣Sun, Moon, Ascendant (MHA, in production)
‣PokeDogs (PKMN, in production)

commissionsOfficially open!!!! Please click here for more info! Inquiry form here!

miscImage credit‣Neurodivergent with personal bs being largely self-handled, although I may ask for validation likes from time to time‣I use the block button/block chains very liberally, for both good and petty reasons. If I like what you post and we have enough common interests sometimes I may follow back. Typically I don't, so please don't be offended if this is the case. I stay on the quieter side to avoid fandom drama but I'm always down for a friendly reply or DM, so if you wanna talk hcs or just say hello, go for it :>‣Mutuals are free to ask for my priv twitter, Discord and irl contact info, although I ask that you don't disclose anything elsewhere, unless I give you explicit permission or make it publicly known myself‣I take frequent mini-breaks online due to irl bs and to maintain mental health. I give advance notice if I plan to be offline for more than a few days‣Reiterating this point again: I'm pro-fiction, and you may see dark and/or potentially triggering content on any of my accts. Consuming fiction shouldn't be equated to reality, nor is it a reliable reflection of the integrity of those who make and consume pro-fiction content. Most importantly, I absolutely do not and never will support or condone these actions or those who perpetuate and enable this behavior irl. Cultivate the online space you want; please use good judgement, nuance and discretion if following. I'll always tag for common cws and spoilers, if asked and based on my judgement